Railway Engineering & Construction Cost Benchmarks USA Location – 2023 Cost Basis
New & Refurbished Railroad Cost Benchmarks per mile & Km, includes Traffic Control Systems, Detailed Design/ Construction Management costs:
(Catenary Electrification - an overhead-wire electrical / power system) 2023 Cost Basis:
2023 will see numerous new & refurbished Railway / Railroad freight & passenger related EPC capital projects around the world valued at more than $3.5 billion
The vast majorly of these projects will be in North & South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. These types of capital projects include:
• High-speed intercity rail systems
• Commuter / Urban rail transit systems
• Freight railroad lines
This significant construction sector typically requires numerous tunnels, bridges & passenger stations; this cost data can be found in our 2023
Infrastructure database:
This construction sector is forecasted to grow by 4% to 6% per annum in the next 5 years.