United States Construction Cost Estimating Data

Compass International, Inc. is a professional commercial construction cost estimating and consulting firm. Our United States services include the publication of seven annual Industrial and Commercial construction cost data yearbooks, project and construction management, estimation reviews, audits, and validation services. We also offer value engineering, strategic planning and in-house training.

Information for United States Cost Books

Many people wonder where we get the information for our cost books and if it’s reliable. We compile the information from numerous sources, which include real world cost data, government information agencies, international development banks, various country trade agencies, various architects and engineers, E.U. commission reports, and our own consulting services. Currently we have at least 350 projects in the United States.

Learn More About Compass International

Interested in learning more about how Compass International helps United States construction businesses? Contact us today for more information or subscribe to our newsletter for updates. We also offer estimating training seminars at your on-site location or in-house training.